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National Day,who is the most lovely person?

2014-10-03 16:41

During the holiday of National Day,there are a lot of people having a leisure time to hang out or reunited with their family. However,there are still some staffs sticking to their post in ZZHZ,who use their serious and persistence writting the histry of ZZHZ's excellent tradition.

I want to say "Thank you" to the people who are still working during this hoilday.I know,you have a seriously attitude toward work,devoting all of your energy into ZZHZ.I am pround of you.Come from other city,you maybe have greater feeling of homesickness.When i was a child,i learned a story,"who is the most lovely person?"Untill today, i know the answer.In order to let more people have a peace holiday,the people who are still working on their position are the people we have mentioned.

It is the sixty fifth anniversary to celebrate the foundation of China,and also the 12 anniversary for ZZHZ.The reason of why ZZHZ has so much success is there are a lot of excellent staffs making up a highly cohesive team. I am proud of you.