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work should be prepared before erecting crane

2015-01-20 09:41
What work should be prepared before erecting crane?
    Crane is a large device, be sure to prepare working hypothesis before the erection of the work to ensure that the crane was intact.
    Before erection and installation staff and related personnel should be carefully studied and set up programs to develop enterprise security technology sector to respond to the erection plan review, and should respect the security technology sector, on the installation program set up to ensure the safety-related jobs.
    Installation program should be set up in accordance with the construction drawings and technical documents relating to the technical requirements, the weight lifting equipment, site-specific conditions, specific conditions, such as lifting equipment capacity to develop, and all participants should seek extensive installation erection work of workers opinion, in order to be able to set up realistic and consistent understanding of the construction program.
    Before the erection of each piece of equipment must be carefully examined to check the installation of ground and space to set up the site, with or without prejudice to the erection of objects, such as wires and various pipelines, they need to be dismantled in advance, or take temporary measures to ensure that other departments. When mast erected by crane, you should check the mast bearing seat cushion real situation and whether fixed mast cable pull tight grip, whether bundled with pile firmly. Whether to lift the volume field normal operation, in particular to check the reliability of brake work, fixed volume field machine is secure, we must prevent the erection of the lifting process, the role of the weight of the volume in a machine to pull . To check up from the upper and lower pulley and the guide pulley with or without fault, tied with a rope pulley whether there is sufficient strength, is firmly tied. Start up with the rope must have a safety factor of more than five times, and not allowed to have broken, bent, and other damage. Erection of equipment for all rotating parts (except brake part) should be coupled with enough grease and so on.