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Bridging body parts installation requirements

2014-12-25 15:03
Bridging body parts installation requirements
    Erecting machine such as large-scale lifting equipment, only to be put into use after the assembly, its components are an important part of the bridge machine when installing components to meet the requirements specified in the company.
    1, the bridge crew fight, cantilever balance stability and traction equipment is equipped etc., should be carried out according to the design requirements.
    2, after the bridge machine in place, in order to maintain stability around the fulcrum, the application of square wooden support pads. Around the fulcrum, also applied wind cable rope sealing on both sides of the pier top.
    3, the vertical component in the bridge machine, lateral movement, should be carried out smoothly, hoist operator shall command signal collaborative action.
    4, before lifting the edge beam bridge machine in place, top of the pier workers should be temporarily avoided.
    5, the sliding member is not a place, the operator should slide plate, ready to drop beams, etc., to be member to fall, and then enter the job point sliding member pushing or pulling work.
    In the process of landing weight, erecting machine hoist brake suddenly failed to take emergency measures. Slightly rising and landing the goods several times, so repeatedly, will be able to weight landed safely.
    Central Construction Machinery production of various types of bridge machine, customers are welcome to order equipment, Tel: 0371-68000180