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Life of gantry extension method

2014-12-24 13:59
Life of gantry crane extension method
With the large-scale domestic infrastructure, gantry industry has developed rapidly, some commodities is difficult to achieve low-input, high-yield economic needs, the short life of the equipment is one of the most important factors. How to prolong the life of the equipment needs of those who have become the most important gantry topic.
We can use the method in line with the analysis, such as cut calories: use wet clutch, wet brakes, reduce friction heat; decreased surface pressure, as with alternative involute helical gears, so that overlapping system increases and so on.
After MGHZ gantry crane factory, are generally required to carry out the run 60 hours or so, which is the manufacturer of construction machinery based on the use of pre-defined skill characteristics. Run-in period is to ensure that the mechanical work, the rate of decline in trouble, extending its use of several important aspects of life. But currently, some users lack the knowledge or because of the use of construction machinery tight schedule, or want to quickly get the benefit, there is no emphasis on the new machine running-in period of special needs. Early onset of frequent illnesses resulting machine, which not only affected the normal use of the machine, shortened life expectancy using the machine, and also because the machine is damaged, affecting the progress of works.
Environmental factors also have an impact on the life expectancy of machinery. Some are in the open gantry crane jobs, job address also often changes its function has been greatly affected workplace temperature, pressure, pollution, traffic and weather and other factors. Many construction companies have since ignored the impact of environmental factors on the use of machinery, has not adopted the appropriate protective or adaptive approach, resulting in the use of mechanical function decline, the use of shortened life expectancy, and even become trouble.